If you need to format text using the same font style (Calibri, size 11) and the same font color as the default Outlook email font, you need to use the following RGB (Red, Green, Blue) font color code: 31, 73, 125. If you need to format your own external texts using that font color, it can prove difficult to find out the exact font color, because Outlook doesn’t highlight the color in the font color picker window unless you select the entire text that carries that color.
Outlook uses a pretty unique default font color when you compose emails, probably chosen by Microsoft to match the Office “metro” design style & feeling:
If you are using Bells & Whistles for Outlook or any other Outlook add-in that is supposed to insert various text snippets in your Outlook emails, you should want to format your texts using the same font color as the default font color of Outlook, so your entire email content looks uniform.