That’s really all there is to earning money or simoleons fast in The Sims Freeplay. If you don’t want to do that, though, there are ways to grind it out. This can be done by tapping the green icon on the top middle of your screen, and it will cost you cash. This is a mobile game and developers/publishers love to extract as much real world money as they can from players. Here are some tips on how to get simoleons fast in the game. Once there, the player types in 'Freeall', which makes everything in the game free. While on the main menu, press and hold x + x + x + x (PS2), x+o (Xbox), Left + Right (GCN) to unlock the cheat menu. You’ll still be worrying about making ends meet with those simoleons, and the only way to get that dope flatscreen TV you want is by making sure your sim has that guappity. In this game, 'Freeall' is the only money cheat. The sims 4 It is full of job opportunities that allow you to earn money (in particular simoleons, which is the virtual currency of the game). The Sims Freeplay will have you buying things up the wazoo right from your phone, tablet, or browser. How to Get Money (Simoleons) Fast in The Sims Freeplay